Holi is all about "Colors" and "Bhaang"..said who? Deconstructing the constructed tradition is fun...ain't it?:)
Rejoicing in your style When you think you missed out on something, just recreate the fun you’re craving for. Moreover, the saying “Better late than never” will rationalize your deed. Day before yesterday was Holi, one of the festivals where fun knows no bound. But with final exams a week ahead you will be compelled to that think celebrating with books is a better choice. “Dude..Guess what?? We played Holi under the sprinkler in the football ground”, narrated two of my hostel friends. It was evident that my friends enjoyed playing Holi with the not so pure water at the football ground in college. Fun is contagious and your immune system cannot fight it if you’re a fun-loving soul. “Guys, let us celebrate Holi now,” these words by my friend/room-mate Ishita were enough to create the spark of enjoyment. No second thoughts about the celebration and we all were under the shower. We had no colors, nor did we have the famed Holi drink which we call Bhaang . Our only Holi equipment was...