A foodie's weekend experience:)

Good Food for Good Mood
“An angry man is a hungry man”. This is one proverb which I strongly agree with. It is a Sunday and you wake up unplanned about your day. Out of the blue your short term memory regains information that you are supposed to go out for lunch with your friend to your favorite restaurant. Exciting right? After all, good food is the best way to keep up that good mood.
My friend and me decide to leave hostel by sharp 12pm. Ok, I am a person obsessed with punctuality and I assume my friend too is. Not like the obsession is hereditary but I think it’s more because of the “hostel milieu” since I was a kid. Have you ever been a victim of the unwanted alteration from that cool and comforting temperature in your room to the annoyingly hot sun outside? That’s beside the fact that I don’t really get along too well with the Sun. So, we were in a hurry to reach the restaurant as during the weekend it could be compared to a movie theatre on Friday.
It was hot and the crows were flying like they owned the sky. When one crow thought it found a good place to excrete its feces. And thankfully I was not the honored person. Given a rifle, at that moment, my friend would have assuredly defeated Abhinav Bindra for sure. The fortunate crow was spared the glory though. But my ear drums were not lucky enough to be spared by the tornado of slangs that stormed out of her mouth at the moment. Being a cleanliness aficionado she felt the instantaneous need of getting rid of the white colored liquid streak on her hair.
And guess what? We landed up in Forum Mall in the next few minutes and I was wondering what I should comment on watching my friend washing her hair with shampoo in the wash-basin! That was fine compared to her complimentary idea of drying her hair with the help of the hand dryer at the washroom, I was speechless!
“No good thing comes easy”. This is another proverb I agree with. So, after the crow incident we finally reached Bhojohori Manna, my favorite Bengali restaurant in Bangalore. We need to thank God that we could grab seats for ourselves before we visualized the restaurant transforming into a dominated Bengali zone.
The ambience just made us feel elated and the food menu left us with abundant memories connected to our home. It was time to say sorry to Chicken, Mutton and Egg because our stomach and mind had totally turned into a true Bengali who craved for Fish and rice. So we began with munching on the Prawn cutlets and then the main course included Steamed rice, Cholar Dal, Bhetki Macher Jhol(fish), Jhinge Alu Posto( shrimps and potato curry) and sweet chutney. Well, when you are a Bengali you will inherit the habit to praise your meal only if it ends on a “sweet note”. So for once we forgot about the calorie content and my friend ordered for one of the most demanded sweets i.e Rosogolla (gurer/jaggery) and I ordered for my favorite ice-cream Nolen Gurer ice-cream. Oh! I forgot to mention about the Aam Panna which reminded me of my mother who makes it every summer and that’s the ranked as the best refreshing drink on my diet chart.
If you ever decide on going to a Bengali restaurant do not miss out on the Nolen Gurer ice-cream and I need not mention Rosogolla because that’s spontaneous when you enter any Bengali place. Describing the ice-cream would bring water to your mouth so I suggest you rush to a Bengali restaurant if you really want it now!
After the much needed feast we walked 5kms and this time we did not fuss about anything because we were in our best mood. And you know what that’s why I have named this article “Good Food for Good Mood”.



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