The Healing Hug

"Are you fine?"

I take four steps closer to you and you already know my answer.

I hug you and I peel off the stifling layer of "Oh, I am all cool" which obstructs me from being authentic and reckless about portraying who I am.

I do not shy away from crying in front of you. The white t-shirt you are wearing is soaked with my tears. A lot of your t-shirts curse me for ruining their day.

I have invested the most valuable wealth in you- Trust. I trust you because I know you will not reveal my secrets even when you are in your grave.

I have taken ages to trust you. All the colourful bricks i.e. trust, love and respect which makes our relationship unbreakable is kissed by your aura.

This is the magic of love and trust. There is not a single problem which cannot be solved by the power of love and trust.



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