Dear Deemed to be University,

You are the founder of excellence and service. You have been carrying forward a legacy of unity in diversity amidst the mighty buildings of your campus. The greenery around you reminds me of how I owe my safe and secured future to you.

Your management is so distinguished that discipline bows down to your command. 

You have taught the growing buds on your premises to develop themselves holistically both through theory and  practice.

Even today, I stood in the queue of rules and regulations with an energetic mind, waiting to see what spirituality would sound like when an esteemed soul with years of experience in it would explain it to me through an unplugged conversation.

I waited in the queue for an hour because I strongly believed that patience is an integral part of spirituality. However, I think the fruits of patience were on a leave today. Waiting in the queue patiently and hoping that discipline would take me to my destiny, I learnt how the definition of rules and regulations is subjective and can be altered as per the requirements of nature! The art of subjectivity is an adorable feature, isn't it?

It is needless to mention it once more that you are a bundle of stardom. You have never ever failed at mesmerizing me. Thank you for teaching me a golden lesson today, even though you had an extremely busy schedule. I learnt how power is the guiding authority of the world because of your selfless service towards my development.

You are a perfectionist encrusted with walls and boundaries of surreal love for your dignity. How could you ever go wrong? There has never been a single flaw in your journey which shines like the silver lining on a cloud and there never will be. There will only be priceless lessons of holistic development and memories of marching on with heads held high and hearts so strong.

Thank You.
Yours faithfully,
A Growing Bud


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