Expressions and Confessions of a Psychologist

* I am not a machine which can generate motivation 24X7. I have my own share of emotional breakdowns. Please understand that this however does not affect my responsibilities towards my clients because as a part of my training process I do learn how to deal with my professional life without letting my personal life step into its shoes.

* I am not Google. I do not have the solutions to your problems and even if I do have an opinion in my mind, I will never impose my thoughts or opinions on you. As a psychologist, I will always help you help yourself but not spoon feed you with answers.

* It takes me by surprise when people say that mental illnesses are a luxury! Are you even listening to yourself? You are calling an illness a luxury? Should I empathize with your ignorance? Actually do me a favour, drop in a message about your ignorance, I will help you gain some awareness and don't worry I won't charge you a penny for it.

* It takes years of hardwork to become a psychologist like any other profession and the learning is a work in progress even after that. Therefore, when you tell me that anyone can do my job, trust me, stop playing around with someone's mental health. It is not Pubg (even that is not everyone's cup of tea).

* I regret the times when I used the word depression as an adjective to describe a proportionate amount of sadness. Depression, OCD, Insomnia, etc are serious mental illnesses and not mere words.

* I listen to people say, "Mental health professionals are expensive." There are platforms which provide economical mental health services.

By the way, who wrote this quote "Health is wealth?"



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