Psychology says...?

All these social media posts which confidently begin with 'Psychology says...' and then state some directional or non directional hypothetical statements on a wide range of variables like love, relationships, human nature, etc what is up with your ethical consideration? Imagine if Psychology could file a defamation case against you?

Social media is gaga over filters then why are you hesitant to filter out the incorrect information before betting for likes and comments?
I understand not everything on social media is to be taken seriously but the growing influence of social media is a reason enough to be concerned. What is seen, heard and spoken on this platform has a tremendous impact on young minds.
If Psychology really interests you, you must be cognizant of the fact that it is a science. A science, yes you read that right.

Creative liberty is the gateway to innovation but misusing the name of a science to make-believe myths and stereotypes is like producing a malicious virus which is infecting authenticity.

In conclusion, I would like to take the moral responsibility of reminding you that intellectual properties are not rejected mangoes. The elemental message in my former statement is a subtle shout out to APA citation.



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