A Crescent Fall

Admiration costs a fortune. I stalked her, kidnapped her and when I broke her I arranged a pitcher to keep all of her in frozen cubes.

I was better off as a loner. She shouldn't have been a trespasser, bringing out the obsession in my fangs. The sea is my land and the lighthouse is my private jet.

Salt water tastes of fire when I throw a part of her into it. I love the winter peeping through her helplessness. She sweats like bold wine and I loot the barrel to make her mine.

When a bunch of halfwits came to look for her, my hell trained dog had a good dinner. Their meat was light and healthy. Nutrition is a must for loyalty.

A good person, a bad person... binaries were rotting, ergo the trash is in the dump.

The sky is a pimp and the offers he puts forth are tempting but her flawless beauty is not for sale.



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