
"You were such close friends. Then what happened?" Then over time and due to long-distance, we fell out of friendship. None of these justifications has a role to play in this history. Long-distance and time had nothing to do with us parting ways. We ended the friendship. Why? Because we didn't feel connected anymore, that's just it. When the heart has decided to be absent, the last verse writes itself.  

"Doesn't it hurt to lose such a friendship which meant so much in your life?" It hurts. However, it would hurt more if we continued to be friends because all that would remain is a tag. "Close friends"- we would try too hard to meet the expected standards of this label and fix things. Then we would secretly wish one of us abandoned this "fixing mode". To dodge going on a guilt trip, we'd hope the other person takes the initiative to quit first. We were close friends because we wanted to be. It is the reason why we gave our friendship a gracious farewell.  

"What if your paths cross again?" If our paths cross, we will greet each other with a smile, a smile where the willingness to perform the act is genuine. We will talk too. The friendship has ended, the mutual respect hasn't.

"You never think of the friendship or miss it?" I think of it. It is human to miss something that was once valuable to us. The missing doesn't implicate regrets. It's about taking the freedom to honour the memories we experienced together without resentment. Visiting the past is okay, but you cannot stay there forever, can you?



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