A Page from her Diary (Part 1) ~ some memories just refuse to die!

Dear Buddy,

“I wish there was something more than friendship between us” ,he said. His sloshed voice made me angry, I felt like slapping him hard and bringing him back to his senses (I wish he was in the same city at that time!). He was my friend- my Best Friend. He hurt me and I am not someone who accepts apologies easily. Yet I do not know why he was an “Exception” to my rule book. I am not going to complain about him dating another girl. It was his life, and we live in a democratic country! But I was not interested in being his psychologist. It was annoying when he called me- Just to vent out his so-called depression. I Did Not want to write a novel based on his love-break up-makeup life! He ensured me that I was important to him. I wondered why? After all, I was his Best Friend, wasn't it obvious? Focusing on the loss of my importance in his life and how love-struck he was, would be too Bollywoodish and cliche (I love Bollywood films but I did not wish for any Jaane Tu...Ya Jaane Na scenes in my life). No I do not love him and by making this statement, I am in no way convincing myself. I am only maddened by the fact that he broke his promise. He promised me he would quit being an alcoholic if I forgave him. I did not realize he was drunk when he made the promise. It’s been 4 years since I broke all ties with him. He thought it was my possessiveness and developing feelings for him. I agree to his first thought, not the second. I identify I am not immune to emotions, although I portrayed it the other way to him. It hurt, when we parted ways for that girl. She is now seeing her 15th Boyfriend (the number may have increased). I had no issues with him dating her, like I mentioned it was his life! But I did have concerns with him being hurt, with him behaving like a typical Bollywood film’s heartbroken hero (Devdas would be an apt example), him asking me ridiculous questions like “Marry Me?”, “Do you love me?” in a drunken state, his behavior verified that I was a backup plan! I couldn't take it anymore, because each time she apologized he forgave her and I had no more verve to counsel him. It is high time he took his own stand(he ain't a kid!). Realizations take birth intrinsically; it loses its essence when taught. It’s his birthday sometime this week. I cannot remember the date exactly, I am guessing it’s on 30th August, and I do have the date written on my old diary. No, I will not cross-check the date because I don’t want waterworks in my eyes (memories of wishing him on his last birthday…and our fight…has still not demolished from my long-term memory). Everything is over now, but He was my Best Friend and I think it’s Fine and Normal to think and scribble about him sometimes (His birthday!). After all, I do miss our friendship. Then again, you know what? Scribbling accompanied by a cup of black coffee (with two teaspoons of sugar) is the best formula to get rid of memories and I am aware of the fact that-some memories just refuse to die! Anyway I have to go now, I'll catch up with you tomorrow...see you.



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