Room of Darkness

Embers of the incident flashed through her mind. She slipped into the dark alley unaware of its existence. Discovering the minute details of the room, elicited a feeling of unknown fear and anxiety. “Scared?” ,enquired a dreadful voice. She denied responding and put on a mask of bravery. Her sweaty palms and red cheeks proved the pellucidity and disability of the mask. “We can talk and dissolve matters?”, the voice suggested. This time she felt comparatively less anxious. Yet she continued pleading to be let free. “Can I please go out of this place?”, she begged.
The fire within was repressed since a long time, but the embers were evident. One can run till the last tinge of energy saturates and she did the same. Unwilling to remain in the alley she ran towards the door with all her might. The door was locked and the only key to it was “Freedom”. Her panting renewed to normal breathing. “Talk”, she asserted and faced it with a sense of courage. The voice clarified how she needed to overcome her fear of rejection and take a chance. The door opened as she let go of her thought. A thought that was latent and suffocated for quite a long time.
The night was the trail to a new beginning. The alarm rang and she witnessed two birds sitting at her window.



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