The Last Memory

I sat there numb for a while,
Before I cried out loud.
I laughed for a moment,
Unable to believe that he was no more.
And then, I cried again.
Not a single hug could comfort me,
Or stop the emotional turmoil.

Memories are the best-
Until, they begin consuming your peace.
The last fight I had with my brother,
Is still so fresh in my mind.
The magnitude of my regret-
Feels like it's infinite.

I have a lump in my throat now,
I just can't swallow the pain within me.
A river took my brother's breath away-
The facade of calmness it puts on,
Reminds me of how it snatched him away.

Our fights never lasted long,
But the last memory I have of us-
Makes me feel guilty everytime.
I only wish, I had apologized.

Blood does not connect all siblings,
Some are connected by heart.
I chose the best brother in the world,
Perhaps, that's why God wanted him back.



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