The Power of Humanity

You know "Death"?
The one who rarely spares "Life",
It came to pay me a visit yesterday.
This was the first time ever-
It came so close and it was upfront.

When someone screamed 'fire'!
My mind went completely blank.
I could feel time freezing,
I hardly realized the intensity of that moment.

Nothing was reel, it was all real!
The tiny flame touched my dress;
My body could have turned into ashes;
But, a brave heart came to my rescue.

She single-handedly fought with the fire,
All she had was sheer courage.
Risking her life, she saved mine.
I will always remain indebted to her.

Death was at a war with Life.
Life was aided by humanity,
The Supreme power was pleased-
And therefore, he ordered Death to leave.

Death gave up on its vanity,
It bowed down before humanity,
Life taught me the value of my breath,
I promised to myself-
That I will value every second from today.



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