Realization through a sight

Conversion of a sight to a lesson of realization:)
Cribbing about things not going the way we want it to go. Isn’t it a common scenario of human nature? I was trapped in a similar situation yesterday when my mind was annoyed over something and brisk-walking, stress eating or music nothing really got my mood to the right track.
I was rushing back to my hostel after dinner around 9pm. The sight of an old man sleeping outside the temple right next to my college was an eye-opener. He slept amidst the garbage thrown outside the temple. He slept peacefully and that is what struck my eyes. I don’t know if he was a drunkard or a poor man. But at that moment I realized my mood deserved to be better than it was.
And I walked back to my hostel with a smile and my mood was on the right track.



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