Since I love children, I decided to write a story for all those little angels:)

The Glass Doll Prince
“Granny, where is my gift?” said Ashley as she cut her birthday cake. Ashley lived with her grandmother in a small house at East Fjords. Ashley was a very helpful and pretty young girl. People in the village called her Cherry as her cheeks were as red as cherries. Her grandmother was her family and her best friend too. “I have got you a glass doll prince for your birthday Cherry”, said Ashley’s grandmother who worked at a toy factory. Ashley was overwhelmed with the gift she received from granny. “You are the best granny, I love my gift a lot”, said Ashley as she kissed her granny with joy. She named the glass doll prince Gabriel as granny always told her stories about the Gabriel angel. Ashley loved her doll Gabriel and she took him along with her wherever she went. The doll prince had a golden ring which sparkled in the sunlight.
The next day in the afternoon, granny asked Ashley to fetch some water from the pond. The pond was a little far from their house. “Come back fast Cherry and do not talk to strangers on the way”, advised granny. Ashley was a very obedient girl and she promised her granny that she would return fast.
“Ah it’s so hot, let me drink some water first”, said Ashley as she parked her bicycle after reaching the pond. When she was about to drink the water with Gabriel in her hand she heard a soft voice saying, “Please give my brother back.” Ashley was surprised to see a mermaid in the pond. The mermaid told Ashley that she and her brother have been cursed by a witch. “I am Eva, the princess of Iceland. The witch who lives at the apple tree nearby has cursed me and my brother. The glass doll prince in your hand is my brother Evan. Please help us.” cried the mermaid. Ashley was surprised to hear the story and was also sad thinking she has to give her doll Gabriel away. The mermaid promised to gift Ashley another beautiful glass doll prince if she helped them.
“Please go to the apple tree and pluck the apple which has a white spot on it. Give a bite of the apple to Evan and he will get his life back. But remember the witch lives in the well near the apple tree. You must come back before the sun sets.” Ashley asks the mermaid how she would save her. The mermaid tells her once Evan gets back his human life she would get hers too. She tells Ashley that her brother Evan’s touch would make her a princess again. “Do not worry Eva; I shall help you and Gabriel.. Ah, I mean Prince Evan.”, said Ashley politely. The mermaid was very happy and thanked Ashley for her kindness.
Ashley remembered granny words who asked her to return quickly. So she drove her bicycle as fast as she could and she saw finally saw an apple tree. Ashley rushed towards it and looked for the apple with a white spot. She was lucky as the apple was not too high to reach. She quickly plucked it and fed the fruit to the glass doll prince. The glass doll turned into a handsome prince who was joyful and surprised. “Thank you for bringing me back to life,young girl. But who are you?” asked Prince Evan. “I am Ashley and I live in a village at East Fjords”, replied Ashley.
Ashley told the prince about how she met the mermaid at the pond. “We must hurry up and rush to the pond, before the witch comes here. Your sister is waiting for us.” advised Ashley as the sun was about to set. The prince agreed and the two were about leave when the witch suddenly appeared.
“Ha..ha..ha..I will catch you both and lock you in my cage at the well.” the witch screamed and laughed. The witch caught Prince Evan and he fought to get rid of her. The golden ring in his finger touched the witch’s heart suddenly and she disappeared never to return again. Ashley and the prince hurried to the pond and Prince Evan’s touch turned his sister into a princess again.
Prince Evan and his sister went along with Ashley to her village. “Where did you go Cherry? I was so worried. Are you alright my little girl?” granny asked Ashley as she wondered who the other two people were. “It is a long story granny and you will be surprised too”, Ashley said. She told the whole incident to her granny. Granny was proud of her granddaughter being so kind and helpful. She served the three hungry children some chocolate cupcakes which she had baked in the morning.
“Granny, will you and Ashley please come and stay along with us in our palace? We will live together like one happy family.” asked Prince Evan who was deeply in love with Ashley. Granny agreed and they all returned merrily to the palace. The King was very overjoyed to see his children and thanked Ashley with all his heart. Prince Evan and Ashley got married and Eva gifted Ashley a glass doll prince on their marriage occasion and they lived happily ever after.



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