Cleanse the Insecurities

Insecurities are clinging on to your thoughts.
Living like a parasite,
Sucking the life out of your motivation,
Trying to make the future feel diffident.
Filling it with poisonous presumptions.

"What if" and "but" are the worst demons.
Abandon these insecurities.
Even breathing isn't a cake walk,
It is a complex process.

Breath. Breath. Breath.
Exhale the fear,
Inhale the everlasting dauntlessness.
Allowing something to ruin your hopes,
That is not happening!

Use the spray of confidence,
Destroy the fear.
What will happen in the future?
Is this what you are thinking?

The future is waiting to gift you all the happiness.
I repeat, breathing is a complex process,
Breath. Breath. Breath.
Once you stop being plagued by insecurities,
Success will reside in your destiny.



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