Four Walls Museum

Come in dear, it is such an honour to have you here. I can't wait any longer to welcome you into our world. Initially, you were like fire, your determination was unbeatable. Give me those ashes, let us preserve them in the renowned "Four Walls Museum". Our members, will be proud of it. We have taken years to convince you to be one of us. 

You were only seven years old when we first met you. What an enthusiastic girl you were! Back then, you had royally ignored us though.

In your teenage days, you were so passionately engrossed in your life! You shut the door on our face whenever we hoped for a meeting with you. 

This year, during September, we spotted you in the park near your house. Dressed nicely, playing with a child. If we aren't mistaken, she is your daughter right? What a well-behaved kid she is! It was music to our ears when we heard that you won the best employee award at your office. Had you not been guided by us that night, you would have probably been struggling with your startup today!

Quite a dramatic night that was...You were tired of those failed attempts at getting sponsors for your startup. That's when we spoke to your parents and then you agreed to meet us. You consumed a sip of the medicine we gave you. It didn't work, time and again you had a relapse. One day, we increased your dosage. This time we succeeded in curing you.

Your personality is as perfect as ours today. Since you have joined us now, we will tell you a couple of rules that you must follow forever:
Rule number one: Act according to our orders.
Rule number two: Endorse hypocrisy.
Rule number three: Ignore your gut feeling.
Rule number four: Don't ever try reviving your dead passion.
Rule number five: Be perfect.

Welcome to "Society" darling. Your "two-faced" makeover is brilliant and praiseworthy.



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