That Time of the Month

Hush, hush!
Don't let them know.
Hide that red stain,
You can do it very well.

Replicate how you conceal all the insecurities.
Although, I'm just guessing-
You are having a hundred knots in your abdomen.
'Time' for sure is having a bad time.

For all you know,
Some species believe-
Menstrual stress is a myth,
Oh I forgot, it is their duty to bust it.
They'd say, "Mood swings are so dramatic".
And, also vouch for ignorance as the best medicine.

You, my dear.
Follow their instructions and obey them as always.
Darling, forget that terrible pain.
Hug your normalcy-
See, you're doing great!
Just continue pretending like nothing has happened.



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