
Dear God,

Do you write the fate of human beings beforehand? Your way or the highway kinda gameplay? Actually there are spoilers sold out by astrologers, palmists, tarot card readers, numerologists and a few others. Quite interesting professions to mint money out of the cat's curiosity. Then you have motivational speakers who contradict these fellows with the gift of the gab. They are like baits who make a fish market of people buy tickets to listen to how fate can be changed by hard work, smart work (latest update) and with a tank full of positivity that is somewhat twinning with a protein shake for the speed breakers in the hurdle race. These are trades that draw good profit and that's okay because we all have to figure out a way to feed our stomachs. My question isn't to them anyway, it is to you, you who is Great and the Ultimate, that is what I have heard so far from the majority. Going by the theory of you being all Powerful and the Creator, I often think why do people bargain with you? I mean is there any scope that you could be pleased with a few sweets, candles, shawls, gold, currency and so on? Would you then consider changing your apparently pre-written script mildly atleast? I have pictured Heaven as fully furnished and self-sufficient, what kind of Heaven then needs products from this planet which you yourself have built. This takes me to some random queries again, why is there poverty? Why are there lice that suck blood while irritating the scalp out of the head and lies that suck faith like a vampire till it is zombie dead? Why are there weird viruses doing the rounds and there are no antidotes yet? Is it because you want us to pray to you? Is it because you made mistakes when you were working on project Earth and left it at that to go on a divine holiday? Also, since you're the founder of this planet, any plans of coming down to terminate criminals (there's a variety, trust me) roaming around like Kings?

I am just another person who thinks you can fix everything but when you don't I wonder if you're busy with something else and might have forgotten to a keep a check on what is up with this artwork of yours. 

Too many questions that sound like accusations? Perhaps it is convenient for me to blame you for every pizza that has a wrong topping on it. I am so dependent on you that I don't know who else to go to with these questions. I am never going to those agents who claim to be your men these days and fool the vulnerable, not even for a million dollars, okay may be for a hundred million or more I could pretend to be caring about what their monologues have in store. That wasn't a joke by the way. 

The selfishness in me is like the Pacific, I didn't even greet you with a good evening, I assumed by default you always have the 'good' in your basket and thus skipped the small talk. 

Goodnight, I couldn't find another way to sign off so that's about it. Should I be waiting for a reply from you?

Your die hard fan and devotee,


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