
"Fighting like cats and dogs." 

What baseless rumour are they distributing like a virus? I always share my crunchy biscuits with you that are daily kept at 7am by a good Samaritan near 'Paradise Apartments'. We even play catch and fetch on weekends. Our progressive development on peaceful coexistence has not reached their idiot boxes and smartphones. People know that your paws are retractable and mine are not, I bark and you meow, I love hanging out with my pack near the meat shop and you love your 'Me time' in the park. We are very different but there is no divide between us. 

How many five-year terms will it take for these species with apparently working brains to figure out the Shakuni tactics going on in the executive forests? Funnily, there are too many clones of Shakuni and here is when casting votes becomes a dicey business but nobody told them that the world's largest democracy would come without risks. In the reigning age of tik tok, some of them conveniently extend their sleep hours instead of making their voting rights count at the polling booths. 

Troops of the fanatic clubs stage pompous shows for the credulous crowd and with the misinterpretation of religious books they put up posters to declare that the universal life force has approved of their extremist stunts. In the blink of an eye the engine of mob mentality is oiled and then as their conscience burns, this gullible herd wants an eye for an eye and hatred takes the form a watery pandemic.

It is 9pm, primetime to make a joke out of journalism. May truth have mercy on their twisted tongues. Milton Friedman said, 'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.' When bulks of information on social media are ready to be cooked instantly and there is free WiFi, only wisdom can filter the knowledge of netizens. I have been thinking about contributing to this cleanliness drive by launching my political vlog on YouTube and ranting my unbiased guts out. 

Oh no! It is half past nine, we need to go for Sheru's swearing-in ceremony tomorrow, let us find some healthy dinner and then you can tell me about your cousin Garfield who is a stand up comedian abroad. May be he and I can collaborate on a video whenever he is in town. 



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