Rumi-nate the spirit in motion

Ruminate in mindfulness, 
be a transient tourist for the thought,
with an eagle's eye see what others can't, 
shoot close-up shots,
that photographic memory
has an inbuilt high definition,
but let the imageries not push buttons,
operate with the mind of a scientist,
and the heart of a poet,
in the amphitheatre of a beautiful day,
the trials and errors of the performance
and the findings are yours,
a show was rolling before you knew it
and will continue to
after your blood and bones 
manure the land,
while the stage is beneath your toes,
compose tunes at this harvest,
feathers on your cap will be added,
albeit take them not to the future,
the orchard is but a walking example,
of fruits growing when they have to.



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