
Kaboom... and it's gone! There, see the wheels of your ego just got punctured, the stepeny too got shot with a water gun. Are you thinking about filing an FIR? But no one saw what happened. Did something happen? The roads cannot talk. Hence, nothing happened.

Nearly two decades later when you grow younger after using the well-known Botox Lovely Cream, the accused will be dragged occasionally to play Paintball with you. You can avenge the loss of your ego there. Hit him hard with those paintballs and drive away before anyone spots you. If you are interrogated about the incident, then rush to the gym and get your body photoshopped.

The Selfies Right Activists love you and no matter what happens they will always be loyal to you.

Yet, after all your hard work if you still get caught, then life is just not being human.



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