Danger Zone

The next time some alien with a muffler addresses me as his Mitr (Friend) cause he thinks I am the lucky one with a singular enviable fortune to fall for his words, I will take some Italian Alfredo Pasta and shove it up his mouth.

With all due respect to non-violence, I am asking you to keep your "Pro- Let me be your Savior" ideology away from me. You never know when I might feel overexcited and take my brand new slipper (white in colour with a blue strap) to throw it in the same manner as a frisbee towards your face.

I have fought battles you cannot imagine in your worst nightmares. I fought it all by myself and then I learnt to give a flying fuck about people. People who are good orators but when it comes to keeping one's word, they run away like a diamond jewellery owner turned thief. They go on a permanent vacation to an exotic island, away from their native home to taste the most expensive wines over there.

You can ask Google about the keywords - diamond, jewellery, thief, and the country with second largest population in the world. You'll get some extra delicious gossip.

This ranting can go on and on cause I am an insomniac who is a writer by default. I need to end here though.

*Phone's reminder alarm rings*- "Time to Meditate" it says.



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