
The power of the pen is believed to be the mightiest of all the weapons. I see people participating in candlelight marches, holding placards which have eye-catching slogans either hand written in bold letters or printed. Voices screaming and protesting against child rape for days.

Asifa Banu was born in the land of political corruption. The little girl's innocence was stabbed and this is not the first time a gory incident like this has taken place.

Children cannot participate in a #MeToo campaign or they cannot file a case against the criminals. They need a judicial system which can protect them and provide them the justice they rightfully deserve.

But laws and amendments in the land of political corruption are made to waste time and resources. Who are we even seeking justice from? From lawmakers who are swindlers. Bravo! How sanguine are we?

In a few days time, the media will stop being outrageous about what the pure soul Asifa suffered and it will prepare itself for the next 'Breaking News'. We as a society will get back to what we are best at doing- forgetting and acting as if all is well. Criminals will win again, walk away freely and set new world records.

The pen might be a weapon but believe you me, it is not the mightiest. A godown full of black money is. As pessimistic as I may sound, these disgusting acts in this country are never going to stop. We have accepted and allowed barbarism to spread its wings and prey on innocent lives.



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