I'm Possible

How do you train yourself to learn backstabbing? Is it a tough course or do you have the aptitude and inborn talent for it? Apparently, loyalty is equivalent to rocket science and not everyone has a high EQ (Emotional Quotient). I completely understand. Those people with a low score in loyalty have my sympathy.

But hey, opting for backstabbing as the main theme of life? You know there's something called peace and then there's something called sleep. How can one peacefully sleep after working like a slave for the demons both around them and inside their minds! Seriously, working in double shifts sounds pathetic. It does have an indelible influence on inhumanity but what a stressful job it must be to work with your shackled head.

I am an optimistic soul, I believe you can always work hard and bring about a change in your life. For example, you can always change the theme of your life and start with the basic course in loyalty, I am confident that you can do it. I wish you all the best. Go and work your heart off sweetie.



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